Get ready to go KLCC from home After reached home, time to make SUSHI ! Wow, unagi and chuka idako! yummy yummy ! Saliva cumin out lo... =P
YESTERDAY- went to KLCC with Jeffrey to buy Unagi and
Chuka Idako at ISETAN Supermarket. I was hungry tat time
and bought some bread from Sun Moulin. After tat, I saw Melody,
Pei Sun and Shiuan at Parkson. Haha, unexpected o! miss them a lot
and we chat for a while abt studies. Melody wil go to UKM doin
Forensic Science, Pei Sun wil go to UKM doin Medical Doctor,
Shiuan wil go to UM doin Statistics and ME myself wil go to
IMU doin Pharmacy Course. Muz hang out b4 they go
for public uni. Miss them a lot ya. huggies T_T Keep in touch,
my frens from St.John. Then, I drove back to my house,
driving reali beats me o! killing me! After reached home,
time to make SUSHI, spent abt 4hours to finish. Tired!But now
I practise harder, den next time can open Sushi Queen lo...
Lol... Look at the pictures above, delicious rite? all saliva cumin out
lo.... hehe, kinda perasan... bt reali nice o... taste like Sushi King...
trust me! reali delicious! haha XD